July 27, 2024

UPC distances self from today’s opposition activities

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The Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) has distanced itself from today’s activities organized by various political parties under the United Forces of Change group.

Apparently, the group rallied Ugandans to join them today in planting trees, among other activities. They also urged Ugandans to expose the potholed Kampala City to the visiting Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) delegates in an activity aimed at expressing their dissatisfaction with the government over the state of the country’s infrastructure.

Recently, on Tuesday, leaders of different political parties, including the National Unity Platform, the Democratic Party, the People’s Progressive Party, the Justice Forum, the Congress Party, the Forum for Democratic Charge, and the Uganda People’s Congress (UPC), led by Peter Walubiri, convened at Dr. Kizza Besigye’s offices at Katonga Road, where they announced the call for action over the government’s failure to offer good leadership to its citizens.

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Furthermore, the group is also expected to hold joint prayers in Iganga and Lira districts next week.

According to the head of media and communication at UPC, Mr. Faizo Muzeyi, their party is not involved in the said activities. urging their supporters not to participate.

In conclusion, he explained that UPC did not receive official communication from the organizers of these activities, noting that the group that represented UPC at the United Forces of Change presser was not recognized by the party.

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written by @enock katamba

Mr. katamba Enock: Professional designer with experience in web designing who started this activity in 2019 at Kyambogo University after graduation . Contact me on : (+256-758287080)

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