October 23, 2024

Fire destroys Mbarara Muslim school dormitory, one student injured

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News is reaching our platform. Indicate that Suleiman Beigana, a student of Shuhadal Islamic Secondary School, has been admitted to Mbarara Hospital after being injured in a fire that gutted the school dormitory.

However, in the dormitory houses, at least 202 students in grades 2 and 3. Isaq Mugerwa Kafeero, the headteacher, says the fire started at 4:30 a.m. when students were preparing for the morning prayers and preps. Kafeeor says that students lost books, mattresses, clothes, and other personal belongings.

Samson Kasasira, Rwizi Region police spokesperson, says that the police fire and rescue services, with assistance from the Nyamitanga Diocese Fire Brigade, put out the fire that had already destroyed property. Kasasira says the cause of the fire has not been established, but investigations into the incident are ongoing.

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According to the National Building Review Board, 120 private and public schools were inspected last year, but none had a fire hydrant on site for fire emergencies. About 10 percent had a hydrant in the vicinity, while 30 percent installed fire detection and alarm systems, although they did not have adequate coverage.

In conclusion, here at uncoveredug.com, we call upon the government of Uganda to come and support the injured students and the school at large.

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written by @enock katamba

Mr. katamba Enock: Professional designer with experience in web designing who started this activity in 2019 at Kyambogo University after graduation . Contact me on : (+256-758287080)

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