Spice Diana ready to seal Cricket Oval today

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The “Siri Regular” hit maker, Spice Diana is ready to seal the Cricket Oval today 13th January 2023. she is ready to make history again like how she did at Freedom City last year making it to full capacity.

Ever since November 2022, She has been advertising  her show on all social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube among others, on all television stations, and all radio stations.

Our news reporter Ivans who is currently at the show venue(Cricket oval) has tried hard to reach the artist and stage to show us how the preparation for today’s performance is going to be and he recorded a video, here at uncovered news we promised to keep our dear viewers updated, below is the video:

All roads in Kampala are leading us to Cricket oval to ensure that we attend the show in time. Traffic jam is too much and vehicles are moving slowly especially from Electoral commission up to Kireka town.

Uncovered news interacted with Spice Diana and she told us  that “I will not care if only 10 people come or 100 or 10,000, as long as everyone is comfortable and happy. If we sell out, well and good If it was all about the numbers I would have gone back to Freedom City but I did not want my people to have the same experience they had last time as there was no breathing space, seats were removed to create space and everyone was comfortable,”.

Furthermore we tried to reach the source management of Spice Diana to ask them why they choose Cricket oval this year over Freedom city and they told us that they want to prove to the industry that Spice Diana is the now biggest Female musician in the country.

Here at uncovered news we shall be updating you each and every minute because the show is today just keep visiting the website


written by @enock katamba

Mr. katamba Enock: Professional designer with experience in web designing who started this activity in 2019 at Kyambogo University after graduation . Contact me on : (+256-758287080)

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