July 27, 2024
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The famous Gulu artists Mr. Otim Bosmic has been set free following the statement issued by Uganda Peoples Defence Force(UPDF) ,telling him to return home saying that he has been forgiven.

Since April, Bosmic Otim who suddenly supported theĀ  National Unity Platform of Robert Kyagulanyi known as “Bobi wine” in the Presidential elections Last year he has beenĀ  hunted by the military intelligence and the Uganda Police over illegal gun issues but now UPDF says they have forgiven him

According to Brig. Bony. B commander UPDF for the fourth division head quarters in Gulu City said that the musician has been granted amnesty

We have been missing your music

written by @enock katamba

Mr. katamba Enock: Professional designer with experience in web designing who started this activity in 2019 at Kyambogo University after graduation . Contact me on : (+256-758287080)

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