July 27, 2024

MPUUGA, NUP Deputy Faces Expulsion: Party Shake-up Looms

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In a surprising turn of events, the President of the National Unity Platform, Robert Kyagulanyi, has taken decisive action by suspending the Deputy President of the Party for Central Region, Hon. Mathias Mpuuga, from his role as Parliamentary Commissioner.

The move, detailed in a letter dated March 27th and signed by Kyagulanyi himself, cites Mpuuga’s alleged failure to account for Ugx 500 million received from Parliament, which has cast doubt on his integrity and standing within the party.

Kyagulanyi, in accordance with Article 6.3 of the National Unity Platform Party Constitution, has not only suspended Mpuuga from his parliamentary commissioner post but also from his position as Deputy President of the Central Region. Furthermore, Kyagulanyi has escalated the matter by referring it to the Central Executive Committee for further investigation and potential disciplinary action.

Also Read: Defiant Mathias Mpuuga refuses to resign over Shs 500m 

This development marks a significant shift within the largest opposition party, signaling the closure of Hon. Mpuuga’s chapter within its ranks. With his political future within the party now uncertain, Mpuuga may be compelled to seek opportunities elsewhere to pursue his ambitions.

The decision by Kyagulanyi to suspend Mpuuga underscores the party’s commitment to transparency and accountability. By holding its members, especially those in positions of authority, to high ethical standards, the National Unity Platform aims to maintain its credibility and trust among the electorate.

However, this move is not without controversy, as some within the party may view it as a power play or internal strife. The aftermath of Mpuuga’s suspension could potentially lead to factionalism or the realignment of political alliances within the National Unity Platform, shaping the landscape of Ugandan politics in the days to come.

In conclusion, as the dust settles and the implications of Mpuuga’s suspension reverberate throughout the political sphere, both supporters and detractors of the National Unity Platform will be closely watching how the party navigates this delicate situation and the impact it has on its future trajectory.

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written by @enock katamba

Mr. katamba Enock: Professional designer with experience in web designing who started this activity in 2019 at Kyambogo University after graduation . Contact me on : (+256-758287080)

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