July 27, 2024
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Shanita Namuyimba, Bad Black who is a great friend to South Africa socilaite Zari Hassan has revealed that she will miss all the white parties that will be organized.

We interacted with bad black by asking her why she wont attend her friend’s whiteparty she told us ” I want to go for a surgery as well as getting a hip for my boyfriend”.

“Remember the previous white parties were flops where by few people turned up to attend the party “.

The boss lady Zari Hassan has promised her supporters that the white party will be good and everyone will enjoy the party because am bringing new fashions for my people .

Bad black told uncovered news that she wants to give eight(8) children to her boyfriend and right now I have four children so I still have a debt of four to my husband Asha.

The boy friend Asha is very happy because they have promised him four children.

More about Bad Black

Shanita Namuyimbwa is her real names and “bad black” is a working name.
she is a sex worker who is kncown worldwide and she is a big spender
she was born on 27th December 1989 and she is currently 32 years old and she stays in Zana, kampala


written by @enock katamba

Mr. katamba Enock: Professional designer with experience in web designing who started this activity in 2019 at Kyambogo University after graduation . Contact me on : (+256-758287080)

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