July 27, 2024

Among: ‘Its time for Kadaga to leave NRM office’ 

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The Speaker of the Ugandan Parliament, Anita Among, has told our news reporters that its time for Rebecca Kadaga to leave NRM top office.

Anita Among secretly mobilizes at dislodging Rebecca Kadaga from office of second national vice chairperson of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) for females.

Parliamentary sources tell us that Anita is determined to oust Kadaga. She has so far built an elaborate political network in Kadaga’s home turf of Busoga.

Kadaga has held the post for three terms. In 2020, she retained the same office after defeating her nemesis, Persis Namuganza, with 6,776 votes against 3,882.

Rebecca Kadaga’s current term is supposed to expire in 2025.

“Remember her new-found allies in Busoga, including former ministers Isaac Musumba, Aggrey Bagiire, and Moses Kizige. She has also engaged area MPs like the Bugabula legislator, Maurice Kibalya, and her husband, Moses Magogo.

Anita was formerly a member of the opposition Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) during the days of Col. Kizza Besigye as its leader.

She crossed over to the NRM and has since been elected a woman MP for Bukedea, deputy speaker, and speaker of parliament.

Rebecca Kadaga, ever since she left the Speaker of Parliament seat, has not remained the same publicly. She is no longer respected the way she used to be.

Here at Uncovered News, we send messages to people who think the office is their home; let Kadaga be an example to them.


written by @enock katamba

Mr. katamba Enock: Professional designer with experience in web designing who started this activity in 2019 at Kyambogo University after graduation . Contact me on : (+256-758287080)

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