October 18, 2024

Police re-arrest 18 murder, rape suspects in city

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An operation targeting thugs involved in waylaying pedestrians and breaking into homes in Kampala and its neighborhood has led to the re-arrest of 18 hardcore criminals.

The police, accompanied by the military, conducted the operations in Namungoona, Nansana, and Kosovo, resulting in the arrest of 103 suspects.

Among them were individuals like Patrick Bewote, Aaron Kayemba, and Malik Mbabazi, who either have ongoing trials or pending case files at various police stations.

Luke Owoyesigyire, the Deputy Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson, revealed that during the screening process, it was discovered that 18 of the suspects were hardcore criminals with pending cases, including trials for rape, aggravated robbery, and murder.

One of the cases involved Malik Mbabazi and his group, who disarmed a private security guard in Kyanja and used his firearm to carry out robberies in several homes in the same area.

According to the police, these suspects are often released on bail or given lenient sentences, serving only a year or two before regaining their freedom.

Suspects are registered under CRB 297/2023. Owoyesigyire further revealed that the group was responsible for an attack on the home of former traffic police spokesperson, ASP Faridah Nampiima, during which her home electronics and Shillings 400,000 were stolen.

Investigations have shown that the criminal group has established branches in various locations, such as Nansana, and has ready buyers for their stolen items, primarily electronics.

The investigators have identified Cooper Complex in Kampala as a hub where the group’s stolen items, including flat-screen TVs, electronic cookers, and mobile phones, are sold.

These operations in Namungoona, Nansana, and Kosovo followed a joint security crackdown on the Northern Bypass. Earlier, Fred Enanga, the police spokesperson, announced the arrest of 102 suspects involved in victimizing people along the Northern Bypass.

written by @enock katamba

Mr. katamba Enock: Professional designer with experience in web designing who started this activity in 2019 at Kyambogo University after graduation . Contact me on : (+256-758287080)

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