Sheila Gashumba splits fire back to Kayz

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Sheila Gashumba who works at NBS tv on After 5 program has split fire to his fellow work mate Isaac Kawalya known as  Kayz who recently showed dissatisfaction on her dress code and this made Sheila to get pissed. The UNCUT presenter told uncovered news that what ever Sheila does am not happy with it, so she should change her dress code to make me happy as her follower.

Today morning Sheila replied her on the twitter account by telling him that we all have different desires in our daily lives  and we admire different personalities.

She told uncovered news that “Kaiyz, you grew up watching That’s Life Mwattu and Kigenya Agenya on a black and white tv. I grew up watching live performances of Rihanna and Beyoncé so I’m here to remind you that we are not , and we will never be on the same level . I have never seen a tv presenter in my whole life who has wanted attention and relevancy like Kayz Stick to attending parties in your neighborhood my dear. Clearly you can take someone from the village but you can’t take the village out of someone,” .

Here at uncovered news we are waiting to see what Kayz will reply to her and we shall keep updating our dear viewers.

written by @enock katamba

Mr. katamba Enock: Professional designer with experience in web designing who started this activity in 2019 at Kyambogo University after graduation . Contact me on : (+256-758287080)

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